June 2021 Virtual Meeting

Houston DSA’s monthly general meetings are where the membership comes together to be in community and discuss the activities going on within our own chapter and the national DSA. It […]

Press Conference Censuring Texas State Rep Harold Dutton

The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is hosting a press conference censuring Texas State Representative Harold Dutton and the other Democratic representatives who refused to walk out during the recent […]

Chapter Orientation

We’re glad to have you in DSA! A better world is possible, and we’re working towards it everyday. Join Houston DSA for an orientation to our chapter and our socialist […]

Abolition Working Group Meeting

Join the Abolition Working Group’s monthly meeting on Thurs. June 17 at 7pm to contribute to the campaign to End Police Surveillance in Houston. The working group is developing both an […]

Juneteenth Solidarity Action

Join your fellow Houston DSA members in Galveston on Juneteenth in solidarity with the Juneteenth Legacy Project to celebrate the unveiling of their 5000 sq. ft. mural, entitled “Absolute Equality” […]

In-Person Social (West Alabama Ice House)

Kick back with your comrades and enjoy a cold beverage of your choice! Everyone is welcome so bring your friends for a good time. We’ll start at 3 but feel […]

July 2021 Virtual Meeting

Houston DSA’s monthly general meetings are where the membership comes together to be in community and discuss the activities going on within our own chapter and the national DSA. It […]