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Bylaws of the Houston Democratic Socialists of America, Inc.


The name of the corporation shall be Houston Democratic Socialists of America, Inc., abbreviated hereafter as the Local.

Houston DSA Strategy

The Houston Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to facilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist society, one in which the means/resources of production are democratically and socially controlled.

DSA rejects an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

DSA envisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.

Our conception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted in the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their fullest potential, and that public policies should be determined not by wealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties should be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of speech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize independent trade unions, women’s groups, political parties, and other formations – recognizing these as essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It is committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of those for whom spiritual concerns are central.

We are socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for achieving this vision. In the present, we are building a visible socialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long run, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making democratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy acknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population.

Houston DSA is committed to working on the above-mentioned issues and supporting the efforts of labor unions in our area. We encourage our members to actively support and participate in the work of their labor unions and advocacy groups on those issues. Houston DSA believes that justice for the people of the U.S. is directly linked to justice for people throughout the world. Houston DSA will strive to have a diverse membership and leadership.



The Local membership shall be defined as those individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full and who reside and/or work in the Local’s jurisdiction as defined in these Bylaws.

Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership

The Local membership shall be solely responsible for the approval of policies and guidelines for the Local’s operation; the election of the Local’s officers and its delegates to national, regional, and state conventions; voting on matters related to national policy; and making recommendations to the National Political Committee of DSA.

Active Membership

A Local member is considered an Active Member for the purposes of these Bylaws provided they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Attended two of the three most recent Regular Local Meetings;
  • Participate consistently in Working Groups or Committees, vouched for a chair of said Working Group(s) or Committee(s);
  • Vouched for by a member of the Steering Committee.


The Local may establish a voluntary system of one-time or recurring donations for its members. No additional dues beyond those required for national DSA membership are required for membership in Houston DSA.

Removal of Members

If a full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of national DSA or strategy outlined in Article II, or if they are found to be consistently engaging in undemocratic, disruptive behavior, or advocates violence, the Local membership may vote to expel them from Houston DSA.

In order for such a finding to be made, another DSA member shall formally present written charges to the Local Steering Committee, which shall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the charges. The accused member shall receive a copy of the written charges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that meeting takes place.

A vote to expel a member shall be conducted via secret ballot and requires a three-fourths majority of Local membership present to pass.

An expelled member may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA. The Local Steering Committee may refer a locally expelled member to the National Political Committee of DSA for expulsion from the National organization.

Local Meetings

Local Meetings

The Local shall hold a regular meeting of its membership at least once per month. Any change to meeting time, date, or location must be announced via social media and email to allow for adequate notice. Regular Local meetings may be open to non-members.


A quorum of 50% of the average attendance at the last six months’ Local meetings, rounded to the nearest whole number1, is required to transact business. The quorum shall be announced at each regular Local meeting, and shall remain that number until the next regular Local meeting.

Parliamentary Procedure

The conduct of Local business shall be governed by standing rules where not otherwise specified in these Bylaws.


Participation in Local business shall be limited to all Local members in good standing who have attended at least one Local meeting as a member. This meeting may include the meeting at which the member joined DSA.

Emergency Meetings

The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on three days’ notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.

Local Officers: Powers and Duties

The officers of the Local, referred to as the Steering Committee, shall serve as the governing body of the Local.


All Local members shall be considered eligible to hold Local officership who meet the definition of Active Membership as defined in these Bylaws.


The Local Steering Committee shall consist of two Co-Chairs, a Recording Secretary, a Membership Secretary, an Communications Secretary, an Internal Secretary, and a Treasurer.


The Co-Chairs are the executive officers of the Local. They shall preside over Local meetings, serve as its official public spokespersons, serve as the Local’s primary contacts with other DSA locals and the national DSA, and initiate such actions and policies as the Local’s general welfare may demand.

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Local’s official records, including Local meeting and Steering Committee meeting minutes, Local resolutions, Bylaws, and official member lists, and transferring official records in good condition to their successor.

The Recording Secretary shall record minutes of Local and Steering Committee meetings, oversee the timely posting of minutes, resolutions, and amendments to the Local website, and ensure Bylaws-proscribed communications to membership.

Membership Secretary

The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for the overall health and growth of the Local membership.

The Membership Secretary shall oversee initiatives concerning membership growth and renewal; ensuring National dues are paid and current; increasing member engagement and participation; effectively mobilizing membership for meetings, campaigns, actions, and other events; and maintaining regular internal communication with membership about Local activity.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds and financial records of the Local. All funds collected by the Local shall be turned over to the Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall prepare an annual Local budget, deliver periodic financial reports at Local meetings and as requested by the Steering Committee, and ensure the Local’s regulatory compliance as per fiscal practices. The Treasurer shall also maintain documentation on how to do the above.

Communications Secretary

The Communications Secretary shall be responsible for the Local’s external communications, including management of the Local’s website, social media, email, and advertising; producing graphics, video, audio, print materials, and merchandise; and overseeing press relations and media outreach. The Communications Secretary shall also be responsible for replying to the Local’s correspondence and inquiries.

Internal Secretary

The Internal Secretary shall be responsible for the operations, logistics, and administrative tasks of the Steering Committee; coordinating Local, Working Group, and Committee activity and maintaining effective communication between these groups and the Steering Committee; establishing the processes and best practices necessary to provide for the above; and training membership on, and ensuring adherence to, these processes and best practices.

Term of Office

The term of office for all positions shall be one year.


One Co-Chair, the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, the Membership Secretary, and the Communications Secretary shall be elected at each year’s April Local meeting; the remaining Co-Chair and the Internal Secretary shall be elected at each year’s October Local meeting.

Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures defined in these Bylaws.



An Local officer position shall be considered vacant: a) upon the position’s creation; b) upon an officer’s written resignation delivered to the Steering Committee; c) upon a change in an officer’s membership status; or d) upon a successful recall vote as defined in these Bylaws.

Filling Vacancies

Vacancies in the Steering Committee shall be announced to the membership immediately and shall be filled via special election as defined in these Bylaws. The new officer shall serve the remainder of the term.

Temporary Officers

In cases where necessary chapter business must continue, the Steering Committee may vote to appoint a temporary officeholder to fill a vacancy until the special election takes place.

Additional Duties

The Local Steering Committee may assign any additional temporary duties to an officer of the Local, so long as such assignments do not conflict with the designation of responsibilities outlined in these Bylaws.

Committees and Working Groups



A Committee is defined as a group of Houston DSA members tasked with specific functions related to Local administration and internal organizing.

Creation and Dissolution

Ad Hoc committees formed for a specific task or objective may be created by Steering Committee or simple majority vote of chapter membership; these committees shall dissolve when their task or objective is complete.

Standing committees formed for the purpose of ongoing administrative or internal organizing work may be created by the Steering Committee. Standing committees may be dissolved by the Steering Committee.


A Committee must elect at least one chair from its membership. Committee chairs shall meet the requirements of active membership as defined in these Bylaws. Elections shall be held at least once per year on a schedule determined by the Committee. The Steering Committee may appoint one or more interim Committee chairs as necessary.

Committee chairs are responsible for organizing and overseeing Committee business; coordinating the group’s activities and needs with the Steering Committee; and other responsibilities outlined in these Bylaws.

Special Committees

These Bylaws may define special committees, the definitions and rules of which may differ from those defined in this Article, as necessary.

Working Groups


A Working Group shall be defined as a group of Houston DSA members tasked with specific functions related to campaign-building and external organizing.

Creation and Dissolution

Proposals to create a Working Group shall be made by written resolution, endorsed by at least five members, and submitted to the Steering Committee for approval via simple majority vote. If the Steering Committee rejects such a proposal, a resolution may be brought to the next Local meeting for simple majority vote of membership.

A motion to dissolve a Working Group may be made at any Local meeting, and shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership present to pass.


A Working Group must elect at least one chair from its membership. Working Group chairs shall meet the requirements of active membership as defined in these Bylaws. Elections shall be held at least once per year on a schedule determined by the Working Group. The Steering Committee may appoint one or more interim Working Group chairs as necessary.

Working Group chairs are responsible for organizing regular Working Group activities; coordinating the group’s activities and needs with the Steering Committee; and other responsibilities outlined in these Bylaws.


Covered Positions

The procedures in this Article shall cover all Local officers, members of the Electoral Committee, and delegates and alternates to National, Regional, and/or State Conventions.

Nominations Committee

Nominations for positions to be elected shall be solicited and recorded, and election votes counted, by an ad-hoc Nominations Committee consisting of three members, none of whom are running for any of the positions being elected. Each Nominations Committee shall be dissolved upon completion of the election.

Regular Elections


At the regular Local Meeting preceding a regular election, a Nominations Committee shall be selected by the membership present and nominations for elected positions shall open.

Nominations may be made at any point until the commencement of the election at the following regular Local Meeting.

Election Process

Elections shall be conducted via secret ballot and votes shall be counted via instant runoff voting. Each member shall have one vote. No proxy votes or bullet votes are permitted.

Special Elections


Nominations for special elections shall be opened at the first Local meeting following the special election announcement.

Nominations may be made at any point until the commencement of the election at the following regular Local Meeting.

Election Process

Elections shall be conducted via secret ballot and votes shall be counted via instant runoff voting. Each member shall have one vote. No proxy votes or bullet votes are permitted.

Recall Elections

A motion to recall an elected position may be made at any Local meeting. If the motion is successful, a recall election shall be held at the next Local meeting. A three-quarters majority of the membership present is required to recall an elected position.

Delegates to the National Convention

Local delegates and alternates to National, Regional and State Conventions shall be elected in accordance with the procedures defined in these Bylaws.

Elections for Convention delegations shall be held on the schedule announced by the national organization.

Prohibited Activity

Houston Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS guidelines established for 501(c)(4) organizations or similar rules established by the state of Texas. Nor shall the local engage in any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA’s National Convention or DSA’s National Political Committee.


Amendments to these Bylaws must be proposed by written resolution, endorsed by five or more members of Houston DSA, and submitted to the Steering Committee at least three weeks prior to the next Local meeting. The Steering Committee shall place the resolution on the agenda for the next Local Meeting and provide the membership with at least two weeks’ written notice of the proposed amendment(s). Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Local membership in attendance to take effect.


The Local’s jurisdiction shall include the following ZIP codes:

Harris County

77002, 77003, 77004, 77005, 77006, 77007, 77008, 77009, 77010, 77011, 77012, 77013, 77014, 77015, 77016, 77017, 77018, 77019, 77020, 77021, 77022, 77023, 77024, 77025, 77026, 77027, 77028, 77029, 77030, 77031, 77032, 77033, 77034, 77035, 77036, 77037, 77038, 77039, 77040, 77041, 77042, 77043, 77044, 77045, 77046, 77047, 77048, 77049, 77050, 77051, 77053, 77054, 77055, 77056, 77057, 77058, 77059, 77060, 77061, 77062, 77063, 77064, 77065, 77066, 77067, 77068, 77069, 77070, 77071, 77072, 77073, 77074, 77075, 77076, 77077, 77078, 77079, 77080, 77081, 77082, 77083, 77084, 77085, 77086, 77087, 77088, 77089, 77090, 77091, 77092, 77093, 77094, 77095, 77096, 77098, 77099, 77201, 77315, 77336, 77338, 77339, 77345, 77346, 77357, 77365, 77373, 77375, 77377, 77379, 77388, 77389, 77396, 77401, 77429, 77433, 77447, 77449, 77450, 77477, 77484, 77489, 77493, 77494, 77498, 77502, 77503, 77504, 77505, 77506, 77507, 77520, 77521, 77523, 77530, 77532, 77535, 77536, 77546, 77547, 77562, 77571, 77581, 77586, 77587, 77598

Fort Bend County

77053, 77082, 77083, 77085, 77099, 77406, 77407, 77417, 77420, 77423, 77430, 77435, 77441, 77444, 77450, 77459, 77461, 77469, 77471, 77477, 77478, 77479, 77485, 77489, 77493, 77494, 77498, 77545, 77578, 77583, 77584

Galveston County

77510, 77511, 77517, 77518, 77539, 77546, 77550, 77551, 77554, 77563, 77565, 77568, 77573, 77590, 77591

Montgomery County

77301, 77302, 77303, 77304, 77306, 77316, 77318, 77327, 77328, 77339, 77354, 77355, 77356, 77357, 77358, 77362, 77365, 77372, 77378, 77380, 77381, 77382, 77384, 77385, 77386, 77447, 77873

Brazoria County

77047, 77422, 77430, 77444, 77480, 77486, 77511, 77515, 77531, 77534, 77541, 77546, 77566, 77577, 77578, 77581, 77583, 77584

Waller County

77355, 77363, 77423, 77445, 77447, 77484, 77493, 77494

Chambers County

77514, 77520, 77521, 77523, 77535, 77560, 77575, 77597, 77622, 77665

Liberty County

77327, 77328, 77357, 77371, 77372, 77535, 77538, 77564, 77575

Harassment Grievance Process

Houston DSA is committed to creating a space that is welcoming and inclusive to members of all genders, races, and classes. The following policy provides guidelines to ensure that everyone is able to organize without fear of harassment, abuse, or harm.

Prohibited Behavior

Members of Houston DSA shall not engage in harassment on the basis of sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, race, color, religion, national origin, immigration status, class, or age. Harassing or abusive behavior, such as unwelcome attention, inappropriate or offensive remarks, slurs, or jokes, physical or verbal intimidation, stalking, inappropriate physical contact or proximity, and other verbal and physical conduct constitute harassment when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a member’s continued affiliation with DSA;
  2. Submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for organizational decisions affecting such individual; or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile environment interfering with an individual’s capacity to organize within DSA.

Other Protected Classes.

Harassment based on categories not encompassed by those listed above shall be evaluated at the discretion of the Grievance Mediators and Steering Committee.

Grievance Mediators

The Local shall select two of its members to serve as Grievance Mediators, who shall share the following responsibilities:

  1. Implementing the Grievance Process outlined in including all tasks and responsibilities outlined therein;
  2. Providing forms both for reporting and responding to accusations of harassment that include:
    1. The parties’ contact information
    2. The names of the parties involved
    3. A description of reported incident
  3. Maintaining an archive of all accuser reports, written responses, and relevant correspondence;
  4. Compiling an annual report that details:
    1. How many reports were made;
    2. How many cases were taken to the disciplinary process;
    3. How many disciplinary actions were taken, and the nature of those actions;
    4. Any recommended changes for making the reporting system more effective.

This report shall not include personally identifying information of any parties in any dispute. The report shall be delivered to the Local Steering Committee and the DSA National Harassment Grievance Officers no later than January 1 of the new year.


Any Houston DSA member is eligible to serve as a Grievance Mediator who a) does not currently serve as an elected Officer of the Local; or b) has not been previously recalled from a Grievance Mediator position as defined in Section 2.3 of these bylaws.

Appointment & Term of Office

Grievance Mediators shall be appointed by the Local Steering Committee. Appointments shall take effect immediately upon acceptance by the appointed member. The term for Grievance Mediators shall be one year, beginning and ending in October of each year.

Recall Process

The Steering Committee may not terminate the appointment of a Grievance Mediator. A motion to recall a Grievance Mediator may be made at any Local meeting; if successful, a recall vote shall be held at the subsequent Local meeting and must receive a three-fourths vote of the membership present to pass.



A Grievance Mediator position shall be considered vacant:

  1. Upon the Grievance Mediator’s written resignation;
  2. Upon a change in a Grievance Mediator’s National DSA membership status;
  3. Upon the Grievance Mediator’s removal from membership; or
  4. Upon a successful recall vote as defined in Section 2.3.

The Steering Committee shall appoint a new Grievance Mediator to fill any vacancy. The new Grievance Mediator shall serve the remainder of the term.

Grievance Process

Houston DSA Members who believe they have been harassed by another member may follow the complaint process as defined in this section. There shall be no limit on the time period in which an accuser may file a report after alleged harassment has occurred.


Grievance Mediators or Steering Committee members shall recuse themselves from any grievance process in which they are the accuser or the accused.

Filing a Complaint

Members who wish to file a formal complaint must contact one or both Houston DSA Grievance Mediators (GMs). The Local shall maintain an email address that is only accessible by the Grievance Mediators to function as a confidential reporting “hotline” for this purpose.

Reporting Procedure and Timeline

After a written report has been submitted, whether through the email hotline or otherwise:

  1. The GM(s) responsible for the reporting channel used by the accuser will contact the accused member within seven days to notify them that a report has been filed against them and request a written response to the report either affirming or denying its substance;
  2. The accused will submit their written response within seven days of being notified. If the accused does not meet this deadline, the GM(s) will recommend the Steering Committee move to take appropriate disciplinary action;
  3. If the accused denies the substance of the report, the GM(s) overseeing the dispute will have the option to investigate the report by:
    1. interviewing other members with direct knowledge of the substance of the report;
    2. requesting documentation from either the accuser or accused or any other parties directly involved; or
    3. employing any and all other means deemed necessary, with the utmost respect for the confidentiality of the parties, within a time period not to exceed ten days.
  4. If necessary, GM(s) may recommend that parties do not contact each other for the duration of the investigative process.
  5. The GM(s) responsible for adjudicating the dispute will determine whether the report is credible and, if necessary, make a recommendation to Steering Committee of appropriate disciplinary action as soon as practicable, but ultimately within thirty days of the report being filed. This is to ensure the timely, efficient, accurate, and discreet adjudication of all reports. The GM(s) may notify Executive of the accuser’s report and its substance at any time after the report is filed, but must give written notice to both the accuser and the accused member before doing so.

Remedies and Penalties


All reports shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the GMs and Local Steering Committee. The ultimate disposition of each report shall be made by the Steering Committee after that body reviews the written report and recommendation of the GM(s).

Standard for Determining Credibility of Reports

The Local Steering Committee shall find the factual allegation in a report is “credible” if it more-likely-than-not occurred.

Remedies and Penalties

If the Steering Committee finds the report to be credible, they are authorized to carry out the following remedies and penalties:

  1. A formal discussion between the accused and the Steering Committee to develop a plan to change the harassing behavior(s);
  2. Suspension from committee meetings and other Local or organizational events;
  3. Removal from Local committees or working groups;
  4. Removal from the Local in accordance with Article III of these Bylaws; and
  5. Any and all other relief deemed necessary and just by the Local Steering Committee.

The appropriate form of relief will be determined by, among other things:

  1. The request of the accuser;
  2. The severity of the offense;
  3. The response of the accused; and
  4. The accused’s relevant behavioral histories.


Either party may appeal the form of relief determined by Steering Committee to the National DSA Harassment Grievance Officer(s). Appeals must be filed within thirty days of receiving written notice of the Steering Committee’s decision.

The limited grounds for appeal are:

  1. Either party believes the behavior was not interpreted using the standards for harassment set out in Section 1;
  2. Procedural errors, misconduct, or conflicts of interest affected the fairness of the outcome; and
  3. The remedy or penalty determined by the Steering Committee was grossly disproportionate to the violation committed


This policy prohibits retaliation against any member for bringing a complaint of harassment pursuant to this policy. This policy also prohibits retaliation against a person who assists someone with a complaint of harassment, or participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Retaliatory behaviors include threats, intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse actions related to organizing. If any party to the complaint believes there has been retaliation, they may inform the Grievance Mediator who will determine whether to factor the retaliation into the original complaint or to treat it as a separate incident.

Indemnification and Insurance.

The organization shall indemnify and hold harmless any officer of the organization to the maximum extent allowed by [Charitable Liability and Immunity Act, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem Code Sec 84]. In providing indemnification under this Article XII, the organization shall follow the procedures described in Charitable Liability and Immunity Act, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem Code Sec 84]. Further, the organization shall indemnify and advance expenses to an officer who is party to a proceeding because they are or was an officer of the organization, except for:

  1. Liability in connection with a proceeding by or in the right of the organization other than for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding; or
  2. Liability arising out of conduct that constitutes:
    1. Receipt by the officer of a financial benefit to which the officer is not entitled;
    2. an intentional infliction of harm on the organization or the members; or
    3. an intentional violation of criminal law.

Misellaneous Provisions.

  1. Fiscal Year. The annual accounting period of the organization shall begin on January 1 of each year, unless changed by the Steering Committee.
  2. Checks. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money shall be signed by such Officer or Officers or such other person or persons as the Steering Committee may from time to time designate.
  3. Contracts. All contracts, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, and leases of space for the organization as ratified by the local membership at a monthly Local meeting shall be signed by such officer or officers or such other person or persons as the Steering Committee may from time to time designate.
  4. Records. The organization shall keep as permanent records minutes of all meetings of its Steering Committee, and any designated body, a record of all actions taken by the Steering Committee, or members of a designated body without a meeting, and a record of all actions taken by a committee of the Steering Committee or a designated body on behalf of the organization. A organization shall keep a copy of the following records:
    1. Articles of Incorporation or restated Articles of Incorporation and all amendments to them currently in effect;
    2. These Bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments to them currently in effect;
    3. Minutes and records described in this section for the past 3 years;
    4. A list of the names and business addresses of its current directors and officers; and
    5. The most recent quadrennial report filed with the State of Texas.


Endorsements Committee

The Endorsements Committee shall be tasked with vetting and screening electoral candidates for endorsement and providing recommendations for endorsement or support to the Local Membership.


The Endorsements Committee shall consist of five voting members.

Elections & Term

The five members shall be elected by the Local membership. Elections shall take place at each year’s December Local meeting and shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures defined in these Bylaws. Elected committee members’ term of office shall be one year.


The Committee shall elect a chair, who is charged with coordinating the committee’s activities and serving as point person to candidates.


An Endorsements Committee position shall be considered vacant a) upon a committee member’s written resignation delivered to the Steering Committee; b) upon a change in a committee member’s membership status; or c) upon a successful recall vote as created in these Bylaws.

Vacancies in the Endorsements Committee shall be announced to the membership immediately and shall be filled via special election as defined in these Bylaws. The new committee member shall serve the remainder of the term.

Endorsement Process


Volunteers from the committee will research candidates’ backgrounds, including but not limited to voting history, previous votes or decision-making, donation history, news or press appearances, memberships, and associations.


The committee will provide the candidate with a questionnaire relevant to the office being sought, and will set a submission deadline. Candidates are required to provide the names and email addresses for three members of the Local in good standing who have agreed to sponsor the candidate for endorsement.


The Endorsements Committee will meet with the candidate to discuss the candidate’s answers to the questionnaire, along with any other issues the committee would like the candidate to address. These meetings are not open to the Local membership.


The Endorsements Committee shall vote on a recommendation to the Local membership on whether or not to endorse or offer support to the candidate. Endorsements Committee recommendations shall pass by simple majority.


The Committee shall bring all candidate endorsements which qualified under 15.2.2 and 15.2.3 before the Local membership for a debate and vote. The Committee will present its recommendations, including both majority and minority reports, before voting. Endorsement requires a two-thirds majority of the membership present.

Contested Races

The local shall endorse a maximum of only one candidate.