Join the Medicare For All Working Group as we prepare for our in-person Canvassings and Community Event in TX-29!
The COVID-19 pandemic has offered a grim daily reminder of the failings of the U.S. healthcare “system.” One-third of COVID-19 deaths and about 40% of infections were linked to being uninsured. For every 10% increase in a county’s uninsured rate, there is a 70% increase in COVID-19 infections and almost a 50% increase in deaths from it. Living in dense neighborhoods, lack of sick leave, and poor health from chronic stress have made this pandemic brutal for Americans working ‘essential’ jobs, particularly working class people of color.
Meanwhile, instead of global cooperation to end the pandemic, the employing class response has been: dysfunctional travel bans, unethical vaccine patents, treating frontline workers as disposable, the removal of healthcare benefits as a strikebreaking technique at Frito Lay, Catholic Health, and a scramble for hospital beds and supplies because of the capitalist ‘just in time’ supply chain.
The only way we can win mass working class demands is through exerting the power of an organized class. Winning Medicare for All – which will involve an enormous transfer of independence and power from the capitalist class to working people – is no exception to this rule. Without the militant force of our organized, diverse class behind us, we will always fall short. We can not rely on the good will of politicians or moral arguments to win. We can only win by wielding the power of our labor under an organized strategy. And make no mistake: falling short is not an option. This is a fight to save lives.
Health care is a human right. Tax the rich. Heal the sick. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Molina Healthcare – abolish private insurance.