Texas Labor – February Meeting

Join Texas DSA Labor on Tuesday, February 7th at 7pm, for our monthly meeting for “Service Workers Unite”. We will have presentations by:- Ayesha of DSA Labor, talking about Solidarity 101 with Starbucks and other labor organizing efforts. – Greg, of Austin DSA and EWOC (Emergency Workers Organizing Committee) about how to support EWOC and […]

Abolition Working Group – February Meeting

Join the Abolition Working Group over Zoom to learn how you can be part of our campaign to stop the use of ShotSpotter in our city. There will be opportunities for community outreach, creating art against surveillance and engaging with elected officials. Never heard of ShotSpotter? You can read more about this failed, expensive and […]

Political Prisoner Letter Writing Launch

Join us to discuss the importance of political prisoners, Learn about radicals from different struggles imprisoned for their work, and write in support of political prisoners! Come this Saturday, as we begin discussions and action, meeting at Bohemeo’s. If unable to be in person, we will have a Zoom option as well. RSVP for Zoom […]

Houston DSA AV/Media Group – June

Come one and all, members of Houston DSA as we venture into using media as an outreach to our community.Please attend if you are interested in Journalism, podcasting, videomaking, television, Vlogs, music, editing, photography, or anything Audiovisual!We want to build a team so we can produce shows, events, films series, news segments and more!In this […]