Home » News » Resolution #11: Houston DSA Supports Community Efforts Against I-45 Expansion

Resolution #11: Houston DSA Supports Community Efforts Against I-45 Expansion


WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)’s North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) will displace households, reduce air quality, make flooding worse, and destroy parks.

WHEREAS, 428 of the 1,235 displaced housing units are low-income and homeless veteran units.

WHEREAS, increased traffic on the expanded I-45 thoroughfare will pose a distinct health risk to adjacent communities.

WHEREAS, TxDOT’s project does not meet City of Houston and Harris County standards for flood resilience.

WHEREAS, the expansion of freeways does not reduce traffic, but makes traffic worse.

WHEREAS, the approaching climate crisis requires a rejection of car-based transportation infrastructure and investment in public transportation.

WHEREAS, the only way to deal with this impending catastrophe is to stop it and send TxDOT back to the drawing board.

WHEREAS, STOP TxDOT I-45 and the Make I-45 Better Coalition have formed to address these concerns and oppose the project.

BE IT RESOLVED, the Houston chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (Houston DSA) opposes the North Houston Highway Improvement Project.

BE IT RESOLVED, Houston DSA endorses the work of STOP TxDOT I-45.

BE IT RESOLVED, Houston DSA endorses the work of the Make I-45 Better Coalition.

BE IT RESOLVED, Houston DSA and its members will assist the endorsed groups with opposition to the NHHIP through messaging uplift, canvassing, phone banking, and attendance at community meetings.

Passed at the Houston DSA August 2019 General Meeting.